
Accelerated Assessment of Wetland Areas and Carbons in Alaska Using Cyberinfrastructure-enabled High
发布时间:2018-06-13     发布者:jyy         审核者:     浏览次数:

报告人:Wenwu Tang

时间: 6月14日(周四)下午2:30



Wenwu Tang is an Associate Professor and Executive Director of the Center for Applied GIScience at the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte at U.S.A. His research interests include cyberinfrastructure and high-performance geocomputation, agent-based modeling, and land change modeling. Tang has over 71 peer-reviewed publications, including 49 journal articles, 10 book chapters, and 12 conference proceedings.

Wenwu has been actively applying cyberinfrastructure technologies into geospatially related domains. Wenwu’s research has been supported by federal and state funding agencies, including USDA Forest Services, US CDC, US Fish and Wildlife, NCDOT, NC Forest Service, and Electric Power Research Institute. Courses that Wenwu have taught include CyberGIS and Big Data, Spatial Statistics, Web GIS, Agent-based Modeling of Complex Adaptive Spatial Systems, and Cartography and Geovisualization. Wenwu is the editorial board member of Landscape and Urban Planning, and guest editors of special issues on Sustainability, and ISPRS International Journal of GeoInformation.