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[2]湖北省自然科学基金(重点类)杰出青年项目: 山地森林背景大气典型挥发性有机物的环境行为和光化学效应,2023-08至2026-08,主持;
[4]科技部国家重点研发计划:面向城市群的区域生态环境智能感知技术与系统示范, 2020-2022,参与;
[5] 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目:华中背景地区大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)的来源与光化学反应性,2017-2020,主持;
[6] 科技部国家重点研发计划:星-地多平台联合的大气PM2.5实时无缝监测技术, 2016-2019,课题负责人;
[7] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:华中背景地区持久性有机污染物(POPs)的大气迁移与大气-地表交换,2012-2014,主持;
[8] 科技部国家重点研发计划:武汉城市圈大气污染联防联控技术集成与应用示范, 2017-2020,项目骨干;
[9] 武汉青年晨光计划:武汉地区臭氧成因机制研究,2018-2021,主持;
[10] 湖北省面上基金:江汉平原生物质燃烧有机污染排放及其区域环境影响,2016-2017,主持;
[11] 武汉市环保局:机动车挥发性有机物排放(武汉市环境监测中心监测能力专项),2016-2017,主持;
[12] 武汉市环境监测中心:军运会环境空气质量监测能力提升-VOCs手工分析采样服务,2019,,主持;
[13] 武汉市环境监测中心:典型内陆航道船舶的污染排放研究,2018,主持;
[14] 武汉市环境保护科学研究院:武汉市扬尘源颗粒物排放清单,2017,主持;
[15] 武汉市环境保护科学研究院:武汉市二氧化碳排放清单核查,2017,主持;
[16] 武汉市重大科技专项:武汉市大气灰霾成因与来源研究,2016-2017,参与
(1) Deng MJ, Wang CM, Yang CM, Li X X,Cheng HR*. Nitrogen and oxygen isotope characteristics, formation mechanism, and sourceapportionment of nitrate aerosols in Wuhan, Central China. Science of the Total Environment.2024. 921.
(2) Zhan L, Huang H, Zhao S, Wang Z, Zhang G, Cheng H.R*,Comparison of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) over six years at a CAWNET background site in central China: Changes of seasonal variations and potential sources. Chemosphere. 2022;299:134298.
(3) Deng MJ, Chen DH, Zhang G, Cheng HR*. Policy-driven variations in oxidation potential and source apportionment of PM(2.5 )in Wuhan, central China. Science of the Total Environment. 2022;853.
(4) Zhan L, Cheng H.R, Zhong G, Sun Y, Jiang H, Zhao S, et al. Occurrence of atmospheric current-use and historic-use pesticides at a CAWNET background site in central China. Science of The Total Environment. 2021;775:145802.
(5) Yuan C, Wang ZW*, Cheng HR*, Liang SW, Hu YZ, Dong XY, et al. Characteristics of water-soluble ions in condensable particulate matter emitted from stationary sources in Wuhan. Fuel. 2021;295.
(6) Lei X, Cheng H.R*, Peng J, Jiang H, Lyu X, Zeng P, et al. Impact of long-range atmospheric transport on volatile organic compounds and ozone photochemistry at a regional background site in central China. Atmospheric Environment. 2021;246:118093.
(7)Zhu,J.X.; Cheng, H. R.*; Peng, J.; Zeng,P; Wang, Z.W. Guo, H.;O3 photochemistry on O3 episode days and non-O3 episode days in Wuhan, Central China.Atmospheric Environment 2020, 223, 117236.
(8) Jiang, H.M,; Xiao, H; Cheng, H.R.*;Wang, Z.W.* A Long-lasting Winter Haze Episode in Xiangyang, Central China: Pollution Characteristics, Chemical Composition, and Health Risk Assessment 2020,//doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.2020.02.0068.
(9) Zhan, L. X.; Lin, T.; Cheng, H. R.*; Wang, Z. W.; Cheng, Z. N.; Zhou, D.; Qin, Z. X.; Zhang, G. Atmospheric deposition and air-soil exchange of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in a background site in Central China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2019, 26, 31934-31944.
(10) Zeng, P.; Lyu, X. P.; Guo, H.; Cheng, H. R*.; Wang, Z. W.*; Liu, X. F.; Zhang, W. H. Spatial variation of sources and photochemistry, of formaldehyde in Wuhan, Central China. Atmospheric Environment 2019, 214.
(11) Zeng, P.; Guo, H.; Cheng, H. R.*; Wang, Z. W.*; Zeng, L. W.; Lyu, X. P.; Zhan, L. X.; Yang, Z. Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Urban and Suburban Atmospheres in Central China: Spatiotemporal Patterns, Source Implications, and Health Risk Assessment. Atmosphere 2019, 10.
(12) Zeng, L. W.; Offor, F.; Zhan, L. X.; Lyu, X. P.; Liang, Z. R.; Zhang, L. Y.; Wang, J. Y.; Cheng, H. R.; Guo, H. Comparison of PM2.5 pollution between an African city and an Asian metropolis. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 696.
(13) Yang, Z.; Cheng, H. R.*; Wang, Z. W.; Peng, J.; Zhu, J. X.; Lyu, X. P.; Guo, H. Chemical characteristics of atmospheric carbonyl compounds and source identification of formaldehyde in Wuhan, Central China. Atmospheric Research 2019, 228, 95-106.
(1) 环境监测,本科生
(2) 大气环境化学,本科生