
The information about study for international master's degree in University of Stuttgart, German

According to the agreement between Wuhan University and University of Stuttgart, German, the application of 2017 fall semester project for undergraduate had already started. Here is the detail:

1. Applicant: senior with the majors of remote sensing, mapping, geographic information system.

2. Necessary material: passport, a list of recommendation, application form for abroad exchange of undergraduate student.

3. Application material: the transcripts for all semesters in both English and Chinese, two recommendation letters by professor, language transcript. These materials should be handed over to room 321 before 11:00am November 18th .

4. Time for interview: Mid to late December, 2016.

5. Teaching language: English

6. Language requirement: study in English, must have a language transcript (TOEFL85 or IELTS 6.0 )

7. Cost: self-paying

8. More detail check the following website: //www.geoengine.uni-stuttgart.de

Any question ask : [email protected] .