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Professor Timothy G. Ellis of Iowa State University visited the SRES

In May 3rd, Mr. Timothy G. Ellis, Associate Professor ofCivil, Construction and Environmental Engineering of Iowa State University

visited the School of Resource and Environmental Sciences. Professor Shen Huanfeng, Vice Dean of the SRES, Professor Mao Xuhui, Professor Wang Zuwu, Professor Chen Lanzhou and Professor Deng Hongbing showed a warm welcome to his visiting and attended the meeting.

During the meeting, they also discussed the details and exchanged the opinions about the student exchange program, which has proceeded for several years between two departments. They reached agreement on the renewal of the corporation agreement between the department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering of Iowa State University and the SRES. Two parties both agreed to promote the cooperation much deeper and extensive.

After that, Professor Timothy G. Ellis gave a talk about autotrophic denitrification using sulfide as the electron donor and then discussed with graduate students and professors about the wastewater treatment, biological effluent treatment and static granular bed reactor application.
