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Bioenergy Production Using High-Rate, Low F:M Anaerobic Digestion

Topic:Bioenergy Production Using High-Rate, Low F:M Anaerobic Digestion;

Lecturer:Dr. Timothy G. Ellis, Iowa State University

Time:At2:30pm. May2rd, 2017

Place:Room320 School of Resource and Environmental science

Brief introduction of the lecturer:

Dr. Timothy G. Ellis is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University in Ames. He is currently serving as the Executive Editor for the Water Environment Research Journal and recently served as a Fulbright Teaching Scholar at the University of Malta. His publications have been cited more than 300 times in the scientific literature, and he is the 16th most cited author in Water Environment Research. In 2013 he was named the Outstanding Government Civil Engineering by the Iowa Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. His research area is primarily involved with biological wastewater treatment systems and is focused on three general areas: respirometric evaluation and modeling of biodegradation; anaerobic treatment of agricultural, industrial, and municipal wastes; and a newly patented high rate anaerobic system, termed the static granular bed reactor (SGBR) for renewable energy production.