
Location Optimization Using a Hierarchical Location-Allocation Model for Trauma Centers in Shenzhen,

Paper published

Title:Location Optimization Using a Hierarchical Location-Allocation Model for Trauma Centers in Shenzhen, China

Author: Yishu Zhu ; Qingyun Du ; Fei Tian ; Fu Ren ; Shi Liang ; and Yan Chen ;

Publication: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information volume: 5 :10 : 190 DIO: 10.3390/ijgi5100190 Time: October 2016

Type: Article

Language: English

Abstract: Trauma is considered a “modern civilized sickness”, and its occurrence substantially affects all of society, as well as individuals. The implementation of trauma emergency systems in cities with young, prosperous, and highly mobile populations is necessary and significant. A complete trauma emergency system includes both low-level trauma centers that offer basic emergency services and high-level trauma centers that offer comprehensive services. GIS and operational research methods were used to solve the location problem associated with these centers. This study analyzed the spatial distribution characteristics of trauma demands and the candidate locations of trauma centers based on a spatial analysis and presented a hierarchical location-allocation model for low- and high-level trauma centers in Shenzhen. The response, coverage, treatment and cost capacities of the trauma center locations were considered, and an ant colony optimization was used to calculate the optimal solution. The objectives of this study were to optimize trauma center locations, improve the allocation of medical trauma resources and reduce the rate of deaths and disabilities due to trauma.

Key Word: location-allocation model; hierarchical model; multi-objective model; trauma centers; ant colony optimization