地点:澳门威尼斯人官网 220学术报告厅
报告人:Dr. David Kaplan,美国肯特州立大学地理系终身教授,美国地理学家协会(American Association of Geographers)现任副主席和候任主席。研究方向包括城市与区域发展、城市社会地理学、文化与民族地理学等。发表学术论文60余篇,出版书籍13部,其中《Urban Geography》(第三版)为全美市场占有率最高的本科生经典教材。参与撰写书籍章节15本,编辑城市地理(Urban Geography)和文化地理学(Journal of Cultural Geography)期刊特刊书本。现为Geographical Review (SSCI) 、National ldentities等杂志主编。
讲座介绍:In the past eight years, the city of Kent underwent dramatic transformations. This presentation examines how these changes occurred, expecially as they took place during the Great Recession. Using interviews with key figures and systematic analysis of planning documents and newspaper articles, he demonstrates the importance of 1) generational shifts in the population of town and university, 2) steps taken by early leaders that were refined and put into action, and 3) opportunities presented by the overall political and economic environment. In the end, Dr.Kaplan will talk about all of the steps involved in publishing in an international journal.
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